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Festa del Barbarossa San Quirico d'Orcia

Festa del Barbarossa
Telephone 0577 897211
When: Terzo week end di giugno
Website: http://www.festadelbarbarossa.it/
Business card (vCard)

Two days of celebration and dinner on Saturday in districts (Village, Reed beds, Castle Meadow) and then the day after competing in a shooting contest with the bow in the scenario of the Horti Leonini. Here are some events: on Saturday at 16.30 show
falconers, archers draw to 17.30, evening shows
Medieval and falconers. Sunday at 16 in front of the Collegiate
reenactment of the encounter between Barbarossa and the pope's legate, to
17:30 the race of archers. The evening shows and parties in the districts
The event brings together many characters in costumes representing districts that divide San Quirico spectacle of sound and color.
During the two days of festivities, medieval shows, falconry and medieval taverns with typical dishes of local cuisine, in the four districts.