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25 - Come Benedetto dice alli monaci dove e quando avevano mangiato fuori dal monastero

25 - Come Benedetto dice alli monaci dove e quando avevano mangiato fuori dal monastero

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Artist: Luca Signorelli
Year: 1497-98
Current location: Abbazia di Monte Oliveto Maggiore
Original location: Abbazia di Monte Oliveto Maggiore

In the scene we see two monks intent to consume a pastoall'interno of an inn and in the background, Benedict scolds them for violating the Rule. This is probably the most successful of the pictorial scene. Inside the inn, you will see two comely maids, serving the two monks, visibly pleased with their illegal dinner. A boy advance careful not to spill the contents of a container filled with soup. Two other women in the background are busy in their chores, like a true Italian cuisine era. Against the door ajar you can see a young shoulders portrait in backlight, typically feature signorelliana.

25 - Come Benedetto dice alli monaci dove e quando avevano mangiato fuori dal monastero