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Nozze mistiche di Santa Caterina

Nozze mistiche di Santa Caterina

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Artist: Riccio
Current location: Santuario di Santa Caterina
Original location: Santuario di Santa Caterina

This is the first of the three great scenes in the oratory of the kitchen of the Sanctuary of St. Catherine, started by Riccio and completed by Arcangelo Salimbeni in 1578, has for its subject the Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine. The picture is taken from the version of the event shown in the Legenda Major: during the night of Shrove Tuesday, while on the streets the people were celebrating the Carnival, Catherine, alone in her room, it was absorbed in prayer. Suddenly there appeared the Lord and Our Lady, in the company of Saint Dominic, Saint Paul, Saint John the Evangelist and the Holy King David playing the harp. Our Lady then took his right hand and handed it to the Holy Christ, who adorned it with a precious ring, marrying in the faith. In the episode we take the vital center of Catherine's religiosity: Christ is for her as a husband, to whom she is united by a relationship of communion and fidelity. He is well loved above all other well.

Nozze mistiche di Santa Caterina


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